5 Reasons Why Pineapple Peels Are Healthy For You

Pineapple Peels are another overlooked source for multiple health benefits. The inside of fruit is often associated with exotic sweetness, and chopped pineapple makes a great centrepiece for kebabs or cocktail sticks in a drink. However, natives from the hot climates where pineapples are grown, are aware of the practical reasons as to why pineapples are handy and in particular- the peel.

Pineapple peels contain many benefits for the human body and immune system. The 5 reasons as to why pineapple peels are healthy for you are:

  • Pineapple Peel is excellent for fertility. The skin helps to reduce inflammation in the womb which consequently creates a perfect landscape for conceiving.
  • Leading on from the above point, the peel contains Bromelain, which is an enzyme that helps the body reduce its levels of inflammation. This is why the peel is so good for reducing swelling after surgeries or injuries.
  • The peel also contains potent amounts of vitamin C, so although it may not be the first item to spring to mind, it is very good to help boost the immunity and prevent cold and flu.
  • The skin is also helpful in reducing mucus, so if you have frequent coughs with mucus, or general sinus problems with mucus, the skin works wonders for this.
  • Pineapple peel is also a digestive aid helping digestion to be a smooth process and relieves constipation.

The peel also contains antioxidants and is a general all round great thing to take for overall perkiness and smooth inner functioning. Pineapple skin is best consumed as a tea- boiled and infused within hot water.

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