Unravelling Social Conditioning

Social conditioning is something that is inherent from the day we are born. It is absolutely impossible to have not adopted other people’s beliefs. Social conditioning is everywhere- on the news, in films, amongst neighbourhood chatter, family circles, at work and so on. At times social conditions can be markers or signposts for the current flow of your life but it is important to not be overwhelmed by these conditions. Who said things should be a certain way? Look a certain way? Achieved by a certain point?

We were not born clones. There may be biological reasons or practical reasons as to why certain things should be achieved by a certain point in our lives but in general- the individual has the right to choose what is right for them. And to think for themselves. Culturally it is amazing. Prior to the Kardashian’s promoting curves, public female figures in the western world were stick thin. This was the norm. In cultures like Africa, curves symbolise health and fertility and this is the popular standard. All that matters is the individual having good health and being content within themselves.

From a manifestation/ goal setting perspective- unravelling social conditions is great. For you to achieve what you desire, you get clear on WHY you desire it (i.e. do you really want this or are there subconscious detrimental driving forces and it isn’t actually you that wants this? If you discover it is social pressure, are you happy to proceed? If you are great, it is your choice. If not, great, bypass this and move on to focusing on what you alone want.

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