Arnica: Healer of Bruising and Sprains

Arnica has been a traditional remedy used for many years to relieve and heal bruising, sprains and muscular tension. Arnica is a yellow flowering plant, with strong structural forces. The plant possesses potent active ingredients, which are used to heal tissue after injuries and sprains. Arnica has been proven to help bruising and muscular damageContinueContinue reading “Arnica: Healer of Bruising and Sprains”


At some point in life we come across people who have the tendency to say one thing and do another. We have probably all been one of these people ourselves throughout our lives. Being congruent with oneself involves correspondence between our words, feelings and actions. Congruence is a demonstration of respect both to yourself andContinueContinue reading “Congruence”

The Power of Inner Dialogue

Communication. The backbone of relationship building, conflict resolution, positive working environments, understanding and transparency. So much importance is placed on how we communicate with others. The words we choose in a conversation can create or determine an outcome. Think about how much power communicating with others holds. And yet, how much emphasis is placed uponContinueContinue reading “The Power of Inner Dialogue”

The Importance of a Strong Immune System and How to Maintain it

The words “Immune System” appear frequently in health articles, NHS information sources, and on health products themselves.  In this blog post, we hope that you will gain a better understanding as to what our immune system does and how to both boost it and maintain it. In simple terms, the immune system is the body’sContinueContinue reading “The Importance of a Strong Immune System and How to Maintain it”

The Amazing Health Benefits of Turmeric Powder

Turmeric is most commonly used as a spice in cooking, particularly in curries. However, it is also used for medicinal purposes and is an ancient Indian natural remedy that has been used for years to boost the immune system and provide anti- inflammatory and antioxidants to the body. Turmeric derives from the same family asContinueContinue reading “The Amazing Health Benefits of Turmeric Powder”

Adding Value…£ £ £

Add Value, not to a business deal, but to Your Life First This is a very important topic that is pretty general, but can apply to so many areas. Once you understand the concept of adding value, and apply it to the different areas of your life you will notice a huge difference in yourContinueContinue reading “Adding Value…£ £ £”

5 ways to start your morning with a positive attitude

Start your day with a positive outlook First of all we should ask ourselves why is a positive attitude important, particularly at the start of the day? The mind and its perceptions and responses hold great power in how smooth or troublesome our day can be. When we start of the morning in a healthyContinueContinue reading “5 ways to start your morning with a positive attitude”

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